For the American Library Association (ALA) Newsletter in January 2009, Anne Salisbury, PhD was photographed having fun!
(Read original article below)
ALA Cognotes,American Library Association,
January 26, 2009
In January, 2009 Anne Salisbury, PhD and Greg Meyerhoff attended the American Library Association (ALA) conference in Denver Colorado to announcethe launching of Anne’s new book, Eureka! Understanding and Using the Power of Your Intuition.There were over 5000 librarians in attendance. The ALA photographer snappedAnne having a bit of fun!
Read the original article inthe ALA Newsletter!

In January, 2009, Anne Salisbury, PhD and Greg Meyerhoff attended the American Library Association (ALA) conference in Denver, Colorado. There were over 5000 librarians in attendance.

Anne Salisbury signs her new book, Eureka! Understanding and Using the Power of Your Intuition, at the American Library Association event in Denver 2009.

Anne Salisbury, PhD signing more books by the Eureka! sign at the American Library Association (ALA) conference in Denver, Colorado 2009.