In these Conversations with All That Is, Anne Salisbury’s intuitive wisdom illuminates the pathways into yourself, your life, and indeed, the consciousness of the earth itself.
Here is a description of Conversations with All That Is along with a brief message:
Listen to more intuitive channelled wisdom on the Home page, Free Downloads page and the Blog (Blog Category: Conversations with All That Is).
Join us for fascinating intuition events with Anne Salisbury connecting with the spiritual wisdom of All That Is while Greg Meyerhoff aligns your energies to Source. For what seems like lifetimes, Anne has been a psychic channel, medium, and clairvoyant. She opened this channel again in this lifetime as a child.
Anne’s spiritual guides are a loving group consciousness who focus on love, self-empowerment, and connection with your own higher wisdom. Through asking questions and choosing to receive love from Source, you experience tremendous growth at these potentially life-changing events.
All That Is answers essential questions about consciousness transformation such as those found in Anne and Greg’s book, The Path of Intuition: Your Guidebook for Life’s Journey. They also focus on questions about connecting with loved ones on the other side such as those found in Journey to Heaven: An Insider’s Guide to the Afterlife.
- What does your higher self want you to know?
- How can you create what you really want?
- How can you heal your relationships?
- What is it like on the other side?
Melanie Mulhall talks about what she received from a conversation with All That Is event:
Defining Intuition: After extensive research Anne arrived at a definition of intuition, which she explains in her book, Eureka! Understanding and Using the Power of Your Intuition: “Intuition is the act or faculty of knowing immediately, directly and holistically without rational processes and without being aware of how you know. It is also the channel through which you access realms of universal truth, absolute knowledge and ultimate reality.”
Anne Salisbury’s Background

Anne Salisbury, PhD
Anne was born extraordinarily intuitive, which made for a challenging childhood. As a young child who had to sit quietly in church during services, Anne began to intuitively communicate with a collective of inner wisdom she called “All That Is.” She did this to entertain herself and get her questions answered in silence. She would ask, “Is that what Jesus said?” “What does that really mean?”
In an effort to function normally and appreciate the gift of intuition, Anne began meditating, practicing self hypnosis and studying metaphysics at an early age. She also made a practice of cleaning out her intuitive channels to insure clearer reception of spiritual wisdom.
As the years progressed this inner conversation with All That Is became ordinary to Anne, though she did not share this information with many people. Then in 2004 Greg Meyerhoff, her husband and business partner, had many questions about the world and life events. Knowing that Anne had access to All That Is wisdom, he began asking Anne questions while she was in a trance like, or meditative, state. He recorded these conversations with All That Is so he could listen to these messages and share them with you today.
“Anne is one of the most gifted intuitives of our time.”
“”Stanley Krippner, PhD, former President Association for Humanistic Psychology
“Anne Salisbury is an intuitive who is among the most clear visionaries I have experienced. She has a unique ability to see the heart of the issue and channel appropriate solutions.”
““ C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD, founding President, American Holistic Medical Association
“These conversations with All That Is help us remember who we are. I highly recommend reading and experiencing the words of All That Is.”
“”Elmer Green, PhD founder of Clinical Biofeedback,
author of Beyond Biofeedback
“It was fantastic how accurately All That Is answered questions. Not only did it feel like your answers were directed to the person who posed the question, but it seemed to resonate throughout the audience. You truly have an amazing connection with others.”
““ Edwena Smith, teacher