Q: After the driveway guys got done sealing and filling in the cracks, I was so happy. But after they left I remembered I forgot to tell them I had a bag of gravel they could have used to fill in a big crack before they put on the rubber. I had seen this done before to make the repair stronger. I started beating myself up for not remembering. Where does that negative voice come from?
It is the lack of love of self that creates a vacuum that draws in negativity. You could see it like the flow of energy that moves into any space that is available. If you instead move the energy of love into that space then that space is already occupied.
But if you say to yourself, “Oh, there is something I have left undone” then negative energy moves like a slithering snake into that area because you have declared it to be toxic. You could say it is your negative assessment of the situation that makes it toxic. It becomes toxic by your decree.
Q: Where do these negative thoughts come from?
They come from your habit of beating yourself up. Until you decide you no longer desire this pattern, you will continue to apply it. You must declare that you have changed your ways and now appreciate the goodness you see in yourself and your situation instead. You tell yourself, “If there is a problem with the driveway in the future, I have the power to fix it.” You believe it will work out fine. In this way you have filled the space with an answer that is loving and kind. When you do this, there is no room for toxic energy to enter your system.
You can see your energy system like a river. The water starts out neutral and then you flavor it either with goodness or with negativity. It is your choice. And the choice is made in an instant. That is why we say to you, “Creating a habit of thought takes practice. You must continue to monitor yourself and make corrections.” You cannot simply let your mind go and judge something as wrong and not expect that negativity to come back to you. It will. That is the nature of energy.
Q: Well, after I had the thought that I had done something wrong by not telling them about my gravel, I wasn’t able to sleep that night. So, I got up and meditated and still couldn’t stop my mind from beating myself up. I even found a meditation video with beautiful scenery and calming music, and that didn’t help. I was so frustrated. What more can I do?
You can exercise. If you jump up and down, creating movement in your physical system, you create movement in your thoughts. Thoughts alone are difficult to repattern without physical movement. You are physical beings and therefore this is useful.
The cells in your system need to release negativity to create space for goodness to move in. It is your choice to jump up and down that creates a flooding effect that cleanses your blood and your glands and your full energy system. This affects your muscles and bones, as well. Everything is activated when you feel more alive by jumping up and down.
Q: What should I think while I’m jumping up and down?
You can say to yourself, “I am a good person. I create my reality. I love my reality. I love what I am doing. This is so marvelous. I give thanks for my new driveway and if it needs something in the future, I trust I can take care of it easily and effortlessly. Amen.” In other words, you give thanks for what you have and see it as enough. There is always change and movement in the future. It could be that you have moved long before there is an issue. It could be there is no issue. Let it be fine as it is now.
Q: So, you jump up and down, give thanks, and say what?
You can say, “I am a happy camper. I trust my reality for I created it. I am in charge of my world. I give thanks. Amen.”