by Kimberly Nicoletti,Summit Daily News
August 9, 2003
FRISCO – When people hear the term “energy work,” many think crystals, healing vortexes, power chanting, long-haired flower children with flowing skirts and good vibes – or some variation of the theme.

Greg Meyerhoff and Anne Salisbury, PhD
But Frisco residents Dr. Anne Salisbury and Greg Meyerhoff have a knack for presenting their work in practical, down-to-earth, teachable skills.
Salisbury and Meyerhoff offer psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and personal and career coaching in Frisco and Denver. Salisbury has a master’s degree in transpersonal psychology and a doctorate in psychology; Meyerhoff worked in sales for 20 years, which helps him present information in a logical, easy-to-follow manner.
Together, they have blended their decades of education and personal experience in meditation, intuition, psychology, hypnotherapy and a gamut of other therapeutic modalities into a healing approach based in hypnotherapy, clairvoyance and life coaching.
They offer their first workshop in Summit County Sunday to teach people how to set and maintain healthy boundaries and clear blocks that prevent success. The workshop focuses on intuition, which the pair believes everyone possesses. They teach people to tap into their inner wisdom, or intuition, by using tools that help people think clearly and remain calm and focused in stressful situations.
“There is a flow to life, and that’s when synchronicities happen – when you get in that flow, life just gets easier,” Meyerhoff said. “In the body, there can be roadblocks in the energy system. We’re unique in that we can see the blocks with the clairvoyant energy and see when and how they got there, then remove them. We can also help our clients see them. We give people tools so they can clear their energy. Then, once their energy clears, their intuition increases. They become more aware, have more choice and have more power.”
Breckenridge massage therapist Cyndi McChesney started seeing Salisbury because she would wake up in the middle of the night thinking about her clients, unable to fall back asleep. She would rummage through anatomy books in the middle of the night, preoccupied with specific clients and ways to help them.
“I wanted to find a way to release all the events of the day and everything that goes on in my clients so I could sleep eight to nine hours a night,” McChesney said.
After her first session, she began sleeping better. Now, she sleeps straight through the night for two to three weeks before she’ll have a sleepless night – as opposed to having insomnia every night.
“It taught me to let go of my clients and any other stressors and get through the day without being so reactive,” she said. “I’m able to observe things rather than being reactive.”
She knows there’s skeptics out there, and has this to say: “This is not woo-woo psychic work. These are very practical, functional tools for everyday living. Anyone would benefit from learning these tools.”
Tanya Benyo, owner of Mountain Sanctuary Spa, wanted to remove her blocks in relationships and financial matters. She’s also a massage therapist and often felt drained after seeing clients. Since working with Salisbury and Meyerhoff’s techniques, she has more clarity in her relationships and business – which is growing.
The pair works with businesses as well as individuals. Denver business owner Barbara Feeney went from No. 65 (out of 67) in the nation for regional sales of her high-end designer line clothing to No. 2 in two months after having the pair work specifically with blocks related to her business.
“I think they have a great ability to see the big picture,” Feeney said. “We all have obstacles and blocks and challenges, and sometimes we’re so enmeshed in them we can’t see them. They clear the energy out. It’s a very time-efficient type of consultation. It’s amazing how different you feel. You feel the change instantaneously, and once you experience how good it feels, you just want to live in that space forever. It just really empowers you to create and do whatever you want with your life. It’s like they’re clearing the path for you.”
Kimberly Nicloetti can be reached at (970) 668-3998, ext. 245 or at [email protected].
Read the original magazine article Removing the Roadblocks to Success