Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy Course Online
4 Videos, Workbook
with Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt
prerequisite: Fundamentals of Hypnosis or basic understanding of hypnosis
These techniques are extremely effective, no matter how you interpret past lives (as real, metaphors, symbols and/or allegories). Transform your life and your clients’ with these profound methods. Make amends with those you have hurt and those who have hurt you. Clear away lingering relationship problems, whether personal or professional. Connect with your creativity.
These videos gives you a full Past Life library: Lecture on Past Lives, Healing Trauma through Reframing Past Life Incidents, Atoning for Overt Acts and Inspecting Past Life Contracts.
You receive:
- Demonstrations, exercises, readings and practical applications.
- Up to 8 hours of step-by-step how-to videos.
- The “Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy Workbook” online. (49 pages)
- Note: Your product can be downloaded 3 times for up to 3 months.
The Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy curriculum includes the following:
- Past Life Regression Lecture: Ways to Present Past Lives, Possible Clues, Approaches to Working with Past Life Issues, Reframing Past Life Incidents, Atoning for Overt Acts, Inspecting Contracts; Introduction to Transpersonal Journey Work: Transpersonal Journey for Guidance and Resources, Two-Way Communication, Retrieval Work.
- Past Life Regression Demonstration #1: Healing Trauma through Reframing.
- Past Life Regression Demonstration #2: Atoning for Overt Acts.
- Past Life Regression Demonstration #3: Inspecting Contracts
“My experience with Past Life Hypnotherapy was enlightening. Regardless of beliefs about past lives, reframing the experience deeply changed my outer life.”
– Pam Wignall, Elementary School Teacher
“THI’s past life regression training has given me the knowledge to go forward with a sense of confidence. I can now help people I could not help before.”
– Michelle Charlston, Hypnotist and Artist