Anne Salisbury and Greg Meyerhoff as shadows “On the Other Side!”
(Listen to audio below)
Connect with Loved Ones
In our intuitive consulting and transpersonal hypnotherapy practice, we do many rewarding things including:
- travel through time, between lives and to other lives with past life regression hypnotherapy
- talk to pets with telepathy
- clear energy in houses with intuitive feng shui
- clear energy in people with intuitive energy work
- communicate with people at a distance with intuitive counseling and channeling.
We also talk to clients’ loved ones who have passed and are now residing more “on the other side.”
The desire to talk to loved people and pets who have died, actually, comes up regularly in our sessions. These communications help our clients make completions so they can move on with their lives. It also helps those who have passed make their completions so, they too, can heal issues and move on.
In our sessions, we have found that those who have passed can often be confused when they arrive on the other side. When there is an unexpected death, or when medication is used at the end of life, loved ones can spend time wondering in a fog. By our focusing on bringing in love and healing light to the one who has passed, it can clear up the confusion. Then, they can move forward and grow on the other side. It can be a real gift to the ones who has passed to receive this communication.
This communication is beneficial especially if there is anything left undone in a relationship at the time of death. Those who have passed may have a message they want to give you. They also can explain why they chose to die at that time and what they experienced in their crossing.
Often, you can feel a tremendous loss when you experience someone’s death. There can be a hole created in your life, depending upon the situation. By knowing your loved one is ok and still around, you can feel more comfortable being on this side without having them in physical form any longer. Truly, death can be harder on the people left behind in this experience than it is on those who have crossed over to “the other side” of the veil.
People often ask us, “How can you talk to someone who has passed?” Well, at the basic level, everything is energy. So whether a loved one is alive or physically dead, really doesn’t matter to us. We talk with them, just as you would pick up the phone and call someone. We connect with the energy of the person or pet through their name. Their name is like a phone number that goes directly to them.
People also ask us, “How can you do your sessions by phone?” And, the answer is the same. We connect with the energy of loved ones. We close our eyes and follow the energy stream to connect telepathically. The energy looks can look similar, whether they are on this side or the other side of the veil.
At one of our channeling conversations with All That Is, we were asked, “How can we communicate with someone who has passed?” Listen towhat All That Is had to say in the audio.
Listen now to the “Conversation with All That Is” channeling through Anne Salisbury, PhD about how you, too, can communicate with loved ones who have passed.This is a 3 minute audio file.
by Anne Salisbury, PhD and Greg Meyerhoff
Go Intuition Newsletter, GoIntuition.com
October 2014