Ever feel a little nervous when preparing for a really long trip? Monarch butterflies meet up at St. Mark’s National Wildlife Refuge Lighthouse south of Tallahassee, Florida to prepare for their flight to Mexico.
This is an annual journey for the Monarchs, but their parents’ generation is not there to show them the way. They have to follow their instincts. They can cover 80 miles in a day on their two to three thousand mile journey. That’s impressive.
A couple of weeks ago we went to visit them before they took off. We found one butterfly in the bushes near the lighthouse who was willing to share their philosophy about the upcoming trip. The wisdom of the universe spoke through him.
“Are you getting ready for your long trip?” I asked.
“Yes,” he said.
“How do you feel about this trip?” I continued.
“What do you mean by ‘trip’? It is a journey that is necessary. It’s included as part of our lifespan. It is necessary for survival. It is therefore not questioned but anticipated. We see it as what is next for us.”
“When will you leave?”
“In a few days when the winds die down.”
“Anything else you’d like to share?”
Wisdom spoke through this peaceful Monarch. “Be here now. Be yourself. Be no other. Be ready for what life brings you and for what brings you life. Do not hesitate in your existence. Instead, embrace it as goodness. See it as worthwhile without question. Be present. Feel peaceful.”
“Do you and your fellow butterflies feel peaceful most of the time?”
Then Greg and I looked around and noticed how this was such a peaceful place. We took a moment to soak it in.
Then I heard, “Feel the wind in the trees as a sign that you are present with yourself. Feel the energy reverberate throughout your system as a cleansing. Be grateful for your existence as we are for ours. Feel gratitude and peace in your heart, and you will be more aligned with the butterflies.”
We thanked the butterflies for the experience and wished them joy on their journey. This was a day well spent with nature.
May you find such moments for yourself. May you be present on your journeys through life. May you be peaceful like the butterflies!