Published in Mountain Connection Magazine,Evergreen, Colorado,June 2013
My life hasn’t been easy when it comes to things that “go bump in the night.”
When I was young, every night I had to venture past the spooky lady on the large stair landing to go to bed. If I ran fast enough, and didn’t look in her direction, maybe she would not “get” me. My mom said it must be my imagination. Now, I realize I was seeing the longing ghost of woman waiting for her man to come home from the Civil War. You see, I grew up in a house that was on the edge of a Civil War battlefield. Cannon balls were found up and down our block.
Often, when I was out shopping with my mom, I would hear a voice inside my head saying that someone she was talking to was lying. I would mention this to Mom, because I wasn’t allowed to fib or “tell a story.” She would say, “If you can’t say something nice about someone, don’t say anything at all.” So, I learned to keep quiet. Not knowing where the voice in my head came from, I felt I should play it safe.
Seeing strange images and hearing voices continued until I could not take the backlash any more. I wanted to be liked and fit in. I did my best to shut down my abilities to see, hear and know things beyond what I assumed were the more accepted realities. But it was like holding down a beach ball under water–it kept popping back up to the surface.
I had to face the fact that I had “unusual” abilities and I had to find some way to use them. I had collapsed under the stress of trying to be solely analytical while ignoring my intuitive abilities. There had to be some reason that I was here on this planet. So I started to study hypnotherapy and transpersonal psychology intensely and eventually opened my own school.
Hypnotherapy, the kind that I practice, involves journeying into the unconscious mind to unravel the stories that dwell there. It is a magical environment where I can use my gifts to help others through challenging situations. I finally found a way to breathe again.
Now, I use these gifts with clients and students everyday as a hypnotherapist, psychotherapist and seer.
The experiences of seeing, hearing and knowing things beyond what is considered to be “normal” is often frowned upon in Western society. However, these other worldly experiences are the norm if you look to the East. In India, spiritual masters teach others how to develop these abilities. They talk about exceptional abilities as something everyone can do, given direction and practice. If I had been born in India, I would have been normal. But I was born in Kansas City.
The conversations I had been having in my head most of my life always felt normal to me. As a child, I actually assumed that everyone was having these conversations but just didn’t talk about them. Through college, advanced degrees, and work these talks were my psychological life-savers as I sought guidance through life’s ups and downs.
At age 42, I met Greg, my future husband. Before Greg, I did not share much of the information I was hearing in my head with anyone except my journal. After a few years of marriage, he started to notice how I would routinely “go off” somewhere in my head when we were together. He wanted to know if he was that boring or if we needed to talk!
I said gingerly, “I am talking to my unseen spirit guides who I call ‘All That Is.'” It has nothing to do with you.” To my astonishment, he was excited. He asked if he could ask some questions, too.
We started recording these conversations. Now, we are opening up these conversations in the form of lectures (Conversations with All That Is), audios and books so others can ask questions and find answers.
Some people call this form of communication “intuition.” Others call it “talking to your higher self.” Still others refer to it as “channeling” higher wisdom. It doesn’t really matter what you call it. It just helps in making sense of everyday life.
In our latest journeys with All That Is, we are letting others join into the conversations. Audiences can ask my guides questions about their lives, the environment, the universe and more. This offers broader perspective answers that can help people grow both personally and in spirit. They are very enjoyable journeys.
Evergreen residents Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA, and Greg Meyerhoff help clients find answers to those important questions in life. Their latest book,The Path of Intuition,is given out at their upcoming workshop at HearthFire Books, Thursday, July 18, 2013at 7pm. For more information visit GoIntuition.com.
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ReadSeeing the Unseen article in Mountain Connection
by Anne Salisbury, PhD and Greg Meyerhoff
Go Intuition Newsletter, GoIntuition.com