Physsie shares her story in Journey to Heaven
The following material is taken from our new book, Journey to Heaven: An Insider’s Guide to the Afterlife. As professional intuitives, we share firsthand accounts from insiders including Physsie (Anne’s mom who is now on the other side) and All That Is (a loving group of nonphysical beings with a higher perspective).
Just like Earth, heaven is a real place. It is an oasis where you refresh yourself, recuperate from your journeys, and prepare for your next adventure. You might decide to continue learning on Earth through reincarnation or you might choose to explore another reality. It all depends on what kind of experience you want to have next. As you gain more awareness, you have more options.
What you do while you are alive dramatically affects your experience on the other side. You take your wisdom with you. The more healing you do on Earth, the less you need to do over there. Issues only go away after you resolve them. If you begin your journey to heaven now, you can make your life, your transition, and your arrival on the other side much more enjoyable.
Question: What happens when you arrive on the other side?
After following this string or tunnel, you are encompassed by a bright light as you arrive on the other side. In this way, your spirit is returned to the light and your physical body is left behind. Out of this bright light come individuals who have loved you before and who hold you in admiration. They surround you and make you feel loved. At this time you may also notice that you are greeted by your higher self, that part of you that is wise. It is a homecoming–it is you returning to wholeness. You reintroduce yourself to yourself, to your guides, and to all those unseen advanced beings who have supported you and wished you well. It feels like you are seeing all those you love, for they surround you. And as you see them, you melt with the overwhelming experience of love, which allows you to relax.
Question: Could you describe the recuperation process?
Your recuperation is required in order to participate fully on the other side. Lack of wholeness, as a result of living in physical form, must be repaired. Once your wholeness is repaired enough, you return from what you may consider to be a brief moment, even though it can take some time. Depending on your situation, you may stay in this place for moments, days, months, or years in Earth time.
The recuperation phase begins shortly after you cross over. You could view what happens as being met by a staff of loving caregivers who welcome you and take you to your hospital bed. They tend to your every need. Whatever you need to feel comfortable appears in front of you. At this time, you receive nourishment through light and love.
Question: Can Physsie more fully describe the process of gathering up her energy on the other side?
Physsie says that she was in a bit of a daze before this process. Then it felt like she went to sleep and had a dream in which she experienced a whirlwind around her and something was being done within her awareness but not according to her conscious efforts. This whirlwind took her from realm to realm, gathering up her energies. It was like taking a journey through space and time to find herself. Once her pieces were gathered up, she became able to focus on herself. She says she just woke up having to regroup and figure out where she was. To her, this process was quite quick. But in actuality, her overall recuperation took closer to six months in physical time.
Links for more from All That Is:
- Journey to Heaven by Salisbury & Meyerhoff: Buy Journey on Amazon & Write your review
- Conversations with All That Is Books:https://gointuition.com/books-on-intuition/
by Anne Salisbury, PhD and Greg Meyerhoff
Go Intuition Newsletter, GoIntuition.com