All That Is looks at 2016
The following information was received Monday, December 28, 2015 through an intuitive channeling we did with All That Is. Greg asked questions and the group consciousness All That Is communicated telepathically through Anne.
Anne has been in communication with All That Is since an early age. They are available to assist in your transformation and ascension in consciousness and help you connect with your own higher wisdom.
Question: What would you like us to know about 2016?
The energies coming into your universe in 2016 involve the expansion of light. You could see it as particles of light descending into your world like raindrops would do. They are coming to assist you as friends. These friends are here to say that goodness is here. You may now appreciate yourself more knowing that you are surrounded with friends in the light. It can make you feel better knowing you are not alone. You have made it through the difficult times of feeling that you had no support, and now you can rejoice in the feeling of camaraderie.
To benefit from this support, you must choose to see yourself as having a purpose. Your purpose is to bring forward the light within you through loving yourself more.
You can do this through committing to complete a project, knowing in your heart you will do it. You can also love yourself more through taking your dog for a walk – you care for your dog, give thanks for the sunshine and appreciate the earth beneath your feet. Loving yourself more can also involve you patting your cat, appreciating your cat’s warmth, and accepting her companionship. There are many ways you can love yourself more.
This is what is to be experienced in 2016: more completions are to be made, appreciation is to be increased, and you are to feel yourself more solidly placed upon your path. By choosing to complete with love and by feeling more supportive of yourself, you are able to release negativity from your system. Negativity has no home in the light – it cannot survive in your system when you love yourself more and become brighter by accepting more light. When you know this to be true, rather than doubt yourself, you improve your experience in your world.
As the joy in your heart grows, you have more energy to do more. You may find yourself sleeping less, eating less, and exercising more. This is your natural tendency when you are whole. When you love yourself more, you bring about your own wholeness and increase your capacity for receiving light. Light then enters your system and you need less in the form of addictions.
Addictions fill the holes in your system when you feel less than whole. When you love yourself more, you fill yourself. This creates more time for you because you no longer fill your days with addictions. Instead you create what you like, which is an experience of goodness. If you continue this path you catapult yourself into an experience of lightness where you feel less heavy and more elevated in your thinking. This is what we see for you for 2016.
Question: Will it be easier to deal with the energy of 2016 because 2015 was a challenge?
How you approach your world determines your reality. If you believe these particles of light are crowding in on you and you are victim to their showers, your experience of 2016 will be quite tumultuous. If you fight the particles of light and resist becoming brighter, you fight yourself for you are a being of light. This fight can exhaust you, you can become darker, and your system can become sick.
But you can turn this situation around. You can say to yourself, “I have reconsidered and decided that those particles of light are my friends. I believe they are here to assist me in my growth and expand my awareness. I accept them in my world and I choose to move ahead in the light.” By saying this and believing it, your health can return and you can experience your world with joy.
Fighting off the particles of light and saying they are invading your space sets up an experience of darkness for you. Yes, the old ways of doing things may be more comfortable because they are familiar. But old habits are not necessarily good friends. If you fight off the light and continue to dream your old dream, you welcome darkness into your world.
Question: Are you saying that 2016 will be easier than 2015 if we accept the light particles?
Yes. You see, you have made it this far. The light particles have been entering your universe for some time. Up until now you have been given the opportunity to witness them as your friends and decide what you would like to do about them. Now it is time to choose. If you choose to appreciate the light, you will have an easier experience. You could say that you have hiked up the mountain part of the way to your enlightenment. You don’t have much farther to go to reach the peak and feel good about yourself. You are two-thirds of the way there.
It is time to appreciate this accomplishment. You can sit on the side of the mountain and say to yourself, “It was a rough journey for it required my full attention. I had to make choices along the way to continue my journey. But I am here and I give thanks for all I have done.” When you appreciate yourself and give thanks, the journey becomes much easier.
On the other hand, if you were to say to yourself, “My feet are sore and blistered. I am tired, hungry, and cannot complete this trek. I choose to turn my back and head down,” then the sun disappears behind a cloud and darkness descends in your world. Realize that doubt and negativity clouded your mind. You are the creator in your world. Your universe simply reflected your thoughts.
Know that the sun can return for you. It is still shining behind the cloud. You can choose to walk to where the sun is shining. It is up to you.
You see, your approach to your world determines your experience. You are not done yet. There is no “done” in your world. There is simply experience after experience. When these experiences are enjoyed, your journey is a joyful one.
You can make decisions to be grounded in your world. Grounding into your experience allows you to love yourself and your world more. This allows space for more light. You can choose to make the effort to ground yourself. You are the only one who can stop the negative spiral. You must choose to become more grounded and bring in the light from Source. It is always you who must choose.
If you choose to love yourself and bring in more light, your experience of the year will be fulfilling. Yes there will be times when you will say to yourself, “I am sad because I am leaving my old way of being behind. I am saying goodbye to old friends who chose not to live in the light, and I am afraid of being alone.” That can be hard. But know that everyone has the opportunity to choose. Choice is always available to you. And if you remember this and appreciate how everyone is a creator in their realms, then you can allow your friends to take the journey that is right for them. You can choose to love yourself more.
Links – For more about All That Is:
- Conversations with All That Is Books:https://gointuition.com/books-on-intuition/
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by Anne Salisbury, PhD and Greg Meyerhoff
Go Intuition Newsletter, GoIntuition.com
January 2016