Claude Swanson and Anne Salisbury talk about auras in Boulder, Colorado
(Listen to audio below)
Physicist Claude Swanson, PhD went on a quest to uncover the mysteries of the universe and how the body heals itself. Through his research he was able to scientifically explain how the aura works and how you can heal it. His books have been praised by Dannon Brinkley, author of Secrets of the Light, Brad Steiger, author of Mysteries of Space and Time, and Dr. Elmer Green, author of Beyond Bio-Feedback, to name just a few.
According to Claude, modern western physics states there are four basic forces in the universe: two are nuclear, happening in very small scales, and then there is gravity and electro-magnetism. But these do not explain how the aura works. The force that can explain this is called chi, prana, or subtle energy. And Russian scientists call this life-giving force “torsion.” They have proven that this force is everywhere, and when its spin pattern changes, it causes a twist in space that carries effects.
Inside the body there are biophotons, which are pulses of light in the cell nucleus. These produce a holographic image, or pattern, inside your body of how your cells are to maintain your health. If you have a strong biophoton field inside your body, you are healthy. If your biophotons diminish your body eventually dies.
The torsion field outside your body is a copy of the pattern that the biophotons maintain inside the body. You, or a healer, can correct the pattern in the torsion field of your aura. Your body responds by changing the pattern inside your body, which brings about healing.
And because torsion interacts with consciousness, you can control how your torsion field behaves through your thoughts. When you visualize a positive and strong aura and take congruent actions to support yourself, your torsion field responds to your image. By imaging your body to be strong and protected from attachments, and maintaining a positive attitude, and choosing to eat only healthy foods you can bring about your own healing.
What Bruno Groening describes as the healing stream is, according to Claude, the torsion field that is always flowing through you. You can take an active role in choosing that only positive energy flows through you. You can keep yourself in balance and assist others in maintaining their health, as well.
Listen to the Interview (21 minutes):
More information:
Visit Claude Swanson, PhD at SynchronizedUniverse.com
Claude Swanson’s books include:
- The Synchronized Universe: New Science of the Paranormal
- Life Force, The Scientific Basis: Breakthrough Physics of Energy Medicine, Healing, Chi and Quantum Consciousness (Volume II of The Synchronized Universe Series)
Visit Bruno Groening (Groning) Circle of Friends: Bruno-Groening.org