by Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA & Greg Meyerhoff
Summit Daily News,Frisco, Colorado
December 23, 2002
Have you ever imagined or experienced a day that just flowed? The parking place was there for you. You reached the people you wanted to. There was a sense of ease and well being. This is what it feels like to be in flow with intuition, the inner sense of knowing that can direct us in life.
There are simple steps you can take to increase your access to intuition. First, believe you possess this innate ability. Second, reduce distractions so you can receive intuitive messages. And third, practice accessing and trusting your intuition.
Messages come in many ways. You may receive a feeling, an idea or a general sense of knowing. These messages, however, may not be accurate if you are experiencing stress or buzziness which prevents you from seeing straight. To be in flow with intuition, you need a clear head and a grounded body. You can then focus and make decisions from a place of clarity. You can experience peace of mind, more emotional stability, clearer communications and more reliable decisions.
Play with your intuitive abilities. Start with something simple like knowing where to find a parking place. Relax and be open to the outcome. As you become more confident you can move on to important decisions. It is beneficial to have your intuitive mind working in balance with your analytical mind when it comes to making choices.
Through books, consultations and trainings you can learn techniques to access your intuition. These take only a few minutes a day and can change your life. Barbara Feeney, a district sales leader for Doncaster, participated in intuitive consultations and intuition trainings. She states, “By using intuitive tools this last year, I have gone from the bottom of the barrel – number 65 out of 67 managers – to number two in the nation. When I use my intuition in balance with my logic, days seem to flow effortlessly. When I get out of balance by being too analytical, I encounter obstacles and problems that seem to crop up out of nowhere.”
If you or your company would like to learn more about intuition, group trainings, home-study courses, or private consultations (in-person or by-phone) for issues surrounding business, career, relationships, health, sales, presentations, sports, stress, grief, human/animal communications, etc. contact Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA and Greg Meyerhoff of