Have you ever wondered why sometimes you get answers to the questions you hold in your head and other times you come up blank?
The reason is that sometimes you are connected to spirit or your intuition and other times you are not. The connection is yours to make. Your intuition is there for you – you just have to turn it on.
How can you do this simply? In Transpersonal Hypnotherapy you learn how to talk to your higher self and help your clients communicate with theirs to receive answers and gain a higher perspective. You also learn how to identify when you are talking to something else instead. There are many possibilities when we are addressing our psyches.
Today we are going to make it simple and give you steps to increase you ability to talk with your own higher wisdom, your connection to source, your Self, your intuition. To do this, you want to do a few things:
- Get quiet. Close the windows and doors in your room to eliminate any extraneous noise. You may play some soothing music if you like.
- Go inside. Let your eyes close. Breathe deeply and evenly focusing on the in and out movement of your breath. Continue this for a few minutes.
- Drain out stress or static. Feel any stress or static in your system drain out of your head, your torso, down your legs and out of your feet into the earth.
- Bring in soothing gold light. See it coming down from your higher self, that beautiful central sun above your head. Let it fill up all the space in your head and body.
- Ask your question. Once you are filled with that warm light that is you, your higher self, pose your question to your higher self. Have a pad of paper and pencil next to you and write down your question the way you asked it.
- Receive your answer. Remaining quiet, open yourself to receive the answer from your higher self. It may come quickly or may take a while. Write down what you hear, see or feel and then let it go.
- Give thanks to yourself. You have asked and answered, given and received. You are complete.
You may repeat this exercise once a day. Sometimes the answer comes later after the meditation like a spontaneous thought. Notice how the answers develop and grow. Notice how your question makes the difference. Changing your question can give you a different perspective on your situation.
We will continue with this in our upcomingnewsletters. You can also practice going inside with our home-study courses on Intuitive Skills at GoIntuition.com.
by Anne Salisbury, PhD and Greg Meyerhoff
Go Intuition Newsletter, GoIntuition.com
December 2011