Develop your intuitive decision making abilities and stress management skills in programs custom designed for your group.
Call us to Discuss Your Needs: 303-384-0044
Learn how to make decisions quickly and with confidence using your intuition. Intuitive business consultants and intuition experts Anne Salisbury, PhD and Greg Meyerhoff, CPC show you simple ways to develop your intuition and reap the benefits. Intuition is every one’s innate ability, although it is usually blocked or untapped. You can tap this doorway to creativity. You can:
- Reduce stress and keep your batteries charged.
- Focus and create what you want.
- Make decisions with ease.
Examples of Results Achieved
- Sales person sold $21,000 after a long dry spell immediately after training.
- Sales team went from 67th to 16th in the nation after 6 training sessions.
- Employees improved work relationships which improved family lives too.
- Sales person reduced stress and created amazing synchronicities.
- Sales group made record sales during Ongoing Support upon clearing resistance to phoning customers.
Half Day “Decision Making Made Easy”
- Learn practical techniques to focus.
- Access creativity.
- Increase clarity, certainty and direction.
Half Day “Overcoming Stress at Work”
- Overcome stress – Take charge.
- Become grounded, relaxed, and energized at the same time.
- Replenish the wellspring within.
Full Day “Putting Your Intuition to Work for You”
- Clear blocks and get un-stuck.
- Replenish your energy.
- Enjoy your personal space.
- Keep your creative juices flowing.
- Relate from a grounded place.
“Our time together was great – this seminar was relaxing and enjoyable. I am more productive and focused while I am working now. I have more confidence in my ability to control the amount of stress in my life. Thank you. You are both very gifted and I look forward to working with you more.” – Elizabeth Key, Business Consultant
Leadership Retreats
We help you clarify your vision under chaotic and changing situations so you can reach your desired goals. These retreats are designed for renewal and to enhance performance in the areas of:
- Management: focus under pressure.
- Sales: increase sales tapping intuition and communication skills.
- Team Building: improve morale with aligned intentions and perspectives.
- Leadership: make decisions with ease from an intuitive perspective.
- Planning & Productivity: focus on a unified goal to increase productivity.
- Communications: focus and respond intuitively to create cooperation.
- Stress & Time Management: relax and release creative energy.
- Life Management: remove blocks, reach desired goals, and experience passion.
“This leadership retreat delivered great insight into how intuition works in helping you focus and make better decisions. After just a few hours with Anne and Greg each person felt more relaxed, focused and could think more clearly. It was amazing! After practicing our new found skills over the past months we have experienced positive ongoing results both in business and personally. – Elizabeth Lake, ROCG Lake Consulting Facilitator, Women Presidents’ Organization
These practical trainings expand confidence in decision making and enhance productivity and teamwork. These are tailored for you.
- Empowerment Training: (two hours) This introduces useful intuitive and communication skills.
- Intuitive Tools Training I: (two half-days) Participants learn intuitive techniques to become grounded, relaxed and focused under stress. These techniques make intuition accessible.
- Intuitive Tools Training II: (two half-days) Participants learn how to access intuition at work. As this becomes a habit, the benefits increase. In today’s complicated world, utilizing intuition makes the difference between being average and achieving excellence.
- Intuitive Tools Training III: (two half-days) Participants learn how to use their intuition in communicating and decision making. These skills are applied to specific situations. Clear communications and confident decisions are essential in today’s business environment.
- Ongoing Support: (available after any Training) Sessions can be scheduled for half-days and full days, regularly or as needed. Sales teams, management, professional groups, and sports professionals all benefit from practicing and applying skills to specific situations.
- Employee Packages: (packages of private sessions) These sessions are conducted by phone. Interested employees from a designated list sign up for these sessions.
“What Anne and Greg do is huge. Through this training I realized that I am bigger than my issues, and I am now ready for change. I feel energized and in flow.” – Barb Feeney, Sales Manager