by Anne Salisbury, PhD, MBA & Greg Meyerhoff
Summit Daily News,Frisco, Colorado
March 15, 2004
The Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Instituteâ„¢ offers professional home-study trainings and educational products to people all over the world. They are located in Frisco, Colorado.
You can take these home study trainings to enhance your professional practice, improve job performance, change careers, grow spiritually and personally.
- Enhance Your Professional Practice: Whether you are a psychotherapist, massage therapist or health care practitioner you can successfully incorporate Transpersonal Hypnotherapy into your practice. This effective brief therapy appeals to both new and old clients, thereby increasing your practice and income. It can also help you become renewed. Enjoy being more creative and intuitive with clients.
- Improve Your Job Performance: All of our relationships are enhanced with better communication. Become a more skilled communicator. Skills you learn in these trainings can heighten your job performance and advance your career.
- Change Your Career: Enjoy financially rewarding and deeply satisfying work. A practice in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy can be a valuable first or second career.
- Grow Personally & Spiritually: You enjoy yourself more and become a better role model when you have personally experienced transformation. Your life can expand and unfold with hypnotherapy.
What is Transpersonal Hypnotherapy?
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is brief therapy with long lasting results. Since most insurance companies have stopped paying for long-term psychotherapy, clients are looking for results in a few sessions. They are asking for Transpersonal Hypnotherapy, and psychotherapists are adding this education to their practice.
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is holistic, synthesizing Transpersonal Psychology with Ericksonian Hypnosis, Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnotherapy. As with Transpersonal Psychology, Transpersonal Hypnotherapy recognizes our drive toward wholeness, toward a fuller intuitive experience of spirit.
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy is a natural extension of Transpersonal Psychology which incorporates the methods of all four waves of psychology:
- Psychoanalytic
- Behavioral
- Humanistic
- Transpersonal
1. The first wave, Psychoanalytic theory developed by Freud and then Jung, deals with the unconscious mind and underlying issues. In hypnosis, this is called hypnoanalysis: we examine the root causes of our problems.
2. The second wave, Behavioral Psychology, uses environmental modifications to alter our habits. In traditional hypnosis this is giving a direct suggestion to be different, reinforcing the new behavior and then expecting a change. Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP), which works to change the body’s neurology, has its roots in Behavioral Psychology.
3. The third wave, Humanistic Psychology, developed primarily by Abraham Maslow, acknowledges that our ultimate striving is for self-actualization: a healthy integration of body, mind and emotions. THI teaches various hypnotherapy and NLP techniques which access personal mastery.
4. The fourth wave, Transpersonal Psychology, was also developed by Abraham Maslow. It states that we strive toward self-transcendence and the realization of our spiritual potential. THI incorporates meditation with hypnotherapy to tap the resources of the unconscious mind and connect with the source of all that is.
For example, in Transpersonal Hypnotherapy you work with issues (such as weight) from all four of these approaches:
- Underlying issues. (Review, understand and relieve childhood wounds around weight.)
- A habit to change. (Open the refrigerator less.)
- Personal mastery. (Achieve physical, emotional and mental potential around weight issues.)
- Spiritual potential. (Expand perspectives and wisdom. See choices and spiritual benefits.)
Transpersonal Hypnotherapy ultimately focuses on the fourth wave, spiritual potential, with the goal being to help clients wake-up to who they truly are. This connection to inner wisdom or intuition is key.
The School’s History
The Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Instituteâ„¢ was founded in 1990 by Anne F. Salisbury, PhD, MA, MBA, NLP, CCHt after completing her MA in Transpersonal Psychology and making an extensive study of hypnotherapy. Over the next few years she and Yukio Hasegawa, MA, NLP, CCHt co-developed the system which is known today as Transpersonal Hypnotherapy.
Trainings were offered on-campus in Arizona, Colorado and Hawaii throughout the ’90s. Thousands of certifications were awarded to individuals who came to study from around the globe. Then in 1996 home study programs were introduced, utilizing the professional videotaping of live classes. Because of its effectiveness, all programs are home study today.
Approved Curriculum
The curriculum of THI is based in Transpersonal Psychology, and it utilizes powerful psychotherapy, hypnotherapy and spiritual techniques. You learn a variety of methods so you can easily determine each client’s particular needs and apply the most appropriate technique. This means you can have satisfied clients who realize dramatic results.
THI’s trainings are based in home study (distance learning), a format which is being used by universities nationwide today. Studies have found that you can learn and retain more when you have the ability to rewind and re-watch educational trainings.
The training videos are extremely detailed and edited. They include professional demonstrations and discussions. The workbooks include outlines of the demonstrations, review questions and exercises.
During the trainings there are also hypnotherapy practice sessions. You can practice with friends, family and co-workers and give multiple sessions to one person. Many people request sessions when they hear you are in a hypnotherapy training. Plus their “real life” feedback can be objective and unbiased. This is a valuable addition to the professional feedback you receive from the Directors of the Institute.
THI’s curriculum is approved and regulated by the Colorado Department of Higher Education, Division of Private Occupational Schools.
THI is an approved vender for the Colorado Department of Human Services, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation. THI is an approved provider for contact hours (CEU’s for many organizations including the California Board of Registered Nursing and the California Board of Behavioral Sciences for Marriage & Family Therapists and Licensed Clinical Social Workers.
Certifications Available
You can receive these certification titles through the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute:
Certified Hypnotist (25 hours)
Certified Hypnotherapist (150 hours)
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (300 hours)
For more information on trainings and private sessions contact Anne Salisbury, PhD and Greg Meyerhoff of the Transpersonal Hypnotherapy Institute, Inc. at