For a long time, Anne wanted to witness the Northern Lights. She enjoyed lying on the ground under the 4th of July fireworks, and thought this light display would be even more exciting. Since
she sees people’s energies as moving light, she wanted to experience the universe moving before her as well. So, she booked a trip to Fairbanks, Alaska in winter to see the Aurora Borealis. We packed for 40 degrees below at midnight when the lights would hopefully dance, and it’s good we did.
When we arrived at our resort 90 minutes north of town and off the grid, we heard that no one had seen the lights for the last three weeks. Cloud cover or a bright moon can make them impossible to see. Plus, the Northern Lights are sporadic, so they may not be visible on the night you booked your tour.
We lucked out and Anne’s dream came true. She did a lot of scientific research, praying, and meditating around which night to go out and altered our plans a few times. Then we experienced a miracle of nature. We saw the Aurora Borealis in all its glory above us and all around us – we were surrounded by moving light. Its beauty changed us by warming our hearts on that cold night.
May you enjoy these visions with us. May this spark the light within you!
With love,Greg and Anne